Werkstattkonzert 1. Set
Fr, 30. März 2018 – 20:15 ics
Natura Morta is an international trio comprising of violist Frantz Loriot, contrabassist Sean Ali and percussionist Carlo Costa. The ensemble is dedicated to exploring musical structures and relationships through collective all-acoustic improvisation. The ensemble creates acoustic sound-sculptures and slow moving sonic landscapes through the use of a variety of strategies. Nontraditional techniques and instrumental preparations are employed by the trio to produce a wide range of timbers. The musical scope of the ensemble stretches from heated silences to relentless drones, to frantic hyperactivity.
Natura Morta released its eponymous debut recording in March 2012 on the Brooklyn-based record label Prom Night Records. The band performed several concerts in New York City and toured the East Coast/Midwest of the US twice that year. In October 2012 Natura Morta released a live recording on a split tape with guitarist Nick Millevoi on the Philadelphia-based label Edible Onion. In January 2014 the trio released Decay, its second studio recording, on the British label FMR Records. In February 2017 ‘Environ’, the band’s fourth album was released on Neither/Nor Records. That same month Natura Morta toured Europe for the first time.
- Frantz Loriot – Bratsche
- Sean Ali – Bass
- Carlo Costa – Schlagzeug